Okkkkk... Where the hell is everyone...Sorry I've been missing for a while I was frozen in and with the recent Global Warming...I'm Free...I'm Free... I'm Free at last.... I'm also a Lesbian and have been all my life...no in the closet bull shit...Sozzzzz??? What are you up to dude??? I like all this but (I'm not bitching) but...there is no interaction... I have to wait for someone to bitch or yell at me??? That ain't right
Guessing you'll remember me...if you haven't burn't out on the hooch
Hmmmm... yea I'm runnin low here... Hey, anyone want to buy America...Obahama one of our elite pieces of shit will sell out for anything... especially Socialism.... This America is going to hell.... A revolution has been way over do... Just think my home town and the G 8 Meeting...should be awesome... Lets see, Chicago burned back in 1873? And yes Mrs. O'Leary and her fat ass cow is still being blamed. Maybe about time for a second coming....gotta start some where..right??? Well, hope I get a hit or two here... Wake Up????!!!! Later Sozzzz, Hope Life Has Been Good!